Brno, October 4, 2018
With concert of Matúš Jakabčic, his quintet and Brno Philharmonic on Wednesday October 10, starts fifth-years of subscription Jazz & World Music. There are five compositions for the first evening, by Jakubčic ones through jazz standards to Bach´s Brandenburg Concerto. The orchestra is presenting itself in an interesting jazz tune under the baton of Pavel Šnajdr.
Slovak composer, arranger, guitarist, producer and pedagogue is well known in Brno but it will be his debut with the orchestra. „He recorded about twentyfive albums with domestic and foreigners orchestras and soloists. He has been invited to several festivals in Europe, USA, Japan, Izrael and Kuba, so we are very glad to have him for the opening of our jazz season,“ says the Director of Brno Philharmonic Marie Kučerová. She also mentioned that Jakabčic´s quitet consists of very great musicians.
In the first half of the evening a composition Between 2 Worlds, commissioned by the Philharmonic Orchestra in Košice nine years ago, will sound. The composition presents a synthesis of classical music and jazz where solos are played by the guitet members but sometimes the orchestra passes the main melody. In the second half of the concert, there are other Jakabčic compositions – the firts one 269 Sumner st. is inspired with a neighbourhood in East Boston where the author himself stood during his studies at Berklee College of Music. „It was a nice relaxed place for living and I think it goes also in a composition,“ says Jakabčic. He has also introduced following piece Room # 55, „The composition originally composed for my trio Madhouse with Juraj Griglák and Martin Valihora was revised in 2009 for symphony orchestra and quintet. I named it Room #55 as a vision of one room in a Madhouse“, added.
For an autumn mood there are several arrangements of jazz standards. Melancholic piece Autumn Leaves by Josh Kosma is sorry for ending summer and love. Vernon Duke in his Autumn in New York is enchant with autumn colours. And there are also the first and the third movements from Bach´s Brandenburg Conterto mentioned for soloists improvisations.
With the Wednesday concert jazz season in Besední house is starting. „The subsriction is quite special between philharmonic subsriptions. Music scores are usually only starting points of what we are going to hear, often there are no music stands at all. Jazz and world music are unbridled genres mostly influenced by a current mood. Besední house and its concentrated audience create an inspiration for jazzmens and musicians from all over the world. They bring authentic art into our golden hall often enrich with pure music coarseness,“ says the Programmer Vilém Spilka. He is sure that in upcomming season there are a lot of emotions waiting for the audience. „Fans of Persian fables, Star Wars, French romantic souls or admires of Spanish temperament, there is a little bit for everyone,“ added Spilka.
Another concert, carrying the audiece to Paris, is on November 28. Sarah McKenzie Trio presents programme Paris in the Rain which consists of new song but also well known melodies. In January we will welcome an internationally casted Tingvall Trio and in February double-bass and piano will sound by Renaurd Garcia-fons and Dorantes. Pianist David Helbock will visit Brno in March and the very last concert of the subsription will bring flamenco night into Besední house.
Contact for media:
Kateřina Konečná, Head of PR and Marketing
+420 775 426 040,