thu13mar19:00thu21:00HAYDN´S CREATIONHAYDN Die Schöpfung (The Creation)19:00 - 21:00 Besední dům


(Thursday) 19:00 - 21:00

20% for 4 different concerts   /   30% for 5   /   40% for 6 / 50% for 7 and more

Event Details

JOSEPH HAYDN Die Schöpfung (Creation), oratorio for soloists, chorus and orchestra Hob. XXI:2 to the text by Robert Lindley based on the Scriptures and John Milton’s epic “Paradise Lost” in German translation by Gottfried van Swieten

Lada Bočková soprano

Petr Nekoranec tenore

Peter Mikuláš bass

Czech Philharmonic Choir Brno

choir master Petr Fiala Filharmonie Brno

conductor Petr Altrichter

In Joseph Haydn’s (1732–1809) incredibly large and varied oeuvre, three genres emerge in epochal significance: the string quartet, the symphony and the oratorio (masses included). The first two were developed by Haydn throughout his 30 years with the Esterházy band. When that was disbanded in 1790, the 58-year-old, now a famous composer, was given a handsome pension and moved to Vienna. The following decade brought him considerable social and artistic success. During a trip to London, Haydn discovered the English cult of Handel’s oratorios; this inspired him to compose two himself (The Creation and the cantata cycle The Seasons). From his first London trip, Haydn brought home the English libretto of The Creation, by a mysterious Robert Lindley – it was originally intended for Handel. Haydn had it translated into German (and then again back to English so it could be performed in that language too) and set it to music in 1796–1798. The libretto is based on the first book of the Old Testament (Genesis) that describes God’s creation of the world over six days, and relies on Milton’s celebrated epic poem, Paradise Lost (it also uses one Psalm). The biblical text, featured in the recitatives of the three archan gels, moves the story forward, while the arias, ensembles and choruses provide a commentary. The 35 varied numbers of the oratorio are arranged in a monumental whole, which feels like a monolith.

The concert can be purchased as a part of a full subscription at the Ticket office of Filharmonie Brno on Besední Street and online from 27 May 2024.
The concert will be sold separately from 17 June 2024.


Besední dům

Komenského náměstí 534/8, Brno