Nagata Acoustics America, Konior Studio and Architekti Hrůša & spol., Atelier Brno. That is the team which will supply a project documentation for building permit and a project documentation for the above-ground part of Janáček Cultural Centre – the new home for Brno Philharmonic.
„I am so happy we finally know the winner! The competitive tendering was very demanding and complicated“ says Mayor of Brno Petr Vokřál. „I am very satisfied with the winning company – Nagata is one of the most recognized acoustic companies of the world.“
There were two teams in the competition and the committee evalueted their price quatations. „According the law we had to choose the lower price“ says Deputy Mayor Matěj Hollan. The second team was excluded for onobservance of statutory conditions related to public procurements. A period of appeal is running for 15 days after that we can sign the contract. „The first task for the team is connecting the underground and above-ground of the building. Our workers are about to finish the first phase – underground garage and hand it over in January 21.
Nagata Acoustics with Yasuhisu Toyota has already projected almost sixty concert halls all over the world since 1971. In a qualifying tournament they presented their latests projects in Paris, Shanghai and Katowice. They are known also for the Elbphilharmonie opened in January 2017. The second member of the team is an architect Tomasz Konior, project architect of the hall in Katowice. Last member is an architect from Brno Petr Hrůša and his studio as a subject representing authorization and qualification according the czech law.
The competitive tendering was proclaimed by the city in August 2016 with very strick conditions. „There is one similar specific space in the Czech republic build one hundred years ago – Smetana Concert Hall in Obecní dům“, says Director of Brno Philharmonic Marie Kučerová. That is the reason city demanded realization of at least 3 concert halls for symphonic music with a requiered capacity and a natural acoustic as well as a lenght of practise or experiences with building in monument zone. „Team will suggest a shape of the concert hall – form, soundproofing, an organ location etc – so the heart of the concert house“ adds Kučerová.
The new concert hall should be opened in season 2020 / 2021. It will have a capacity of over 1200 seats and acoustic parameters of the highest global calibre. Total costs are expected to reach 1.276 billion crowns. According to the memorandum from October 1 2016 state is about to contribute with amount of 600 millions crowns, city Brno with 562 millions and the Southmoravia region with 100 millions crowns.
Contact for the media:
Kateřina Konečná
Head of PR and marketing, Filharmonie Brno
775 426 040