thu22may19:00thu20:45BEETHOVEN, "BOHEMIAN BEETHOVEN" AND MARTINŮVOŘÍŠEK Grand rondeau for piano trio and orchestra Op. 25
MARTINŮ Concerto for piano trio and orchestra H 231
BEETHOVEN Symphony No. 4 B-flat Major, Op. 60
19:00 - 20:45 Besední dům


(Thursday) 19:00 - 20:45

20% for 4 different concerts   /   30% for 5   /   40% for 6 / 50% for 7 and more

Event Details

JAN VÁCLAV HUGO VOŘÍŠEK Grand rondeau for piano trio and orchestra, Op. 25

BOHUSLAV MARTINŮ Concerto for piano trio and string orchestra H 231

LUDWIG van BEETHOVEN Symphony No. 4 in B flat major, Op. 60

Trio Bohémo:

Matouš Pěruška violin

Kristina Vocetkova cello

Jan Vojtek piano

Filharmonie Brno

conductor Alena Hron


Alongside many smaller-scale pieces, the “Bohemian Beethoven” J.V.H. Voříšek left us a beautiful Symphony in D major, often compared with those by Beethoven himself, and the Grand Rondeau for piano trio and orchestra. Both show that although his footing was still firmly in the Classical era, he was ready to step out into the world of Romanticism – the same, indeed, applies to Beethoven.

Bohuslav Martinů’s Concerto for Piano Trio and String Orchestra (1933) received its première 30 years after it was written. The publishers wanted Martinů to revise the work substantially. Instead, he wrote a new work, for the same instruments and similarly conceived, and called it Concertino. The Concerto was thus forgotten for some time.

Ludwig van Beethoven wrote his symphonies from spontaneous inspiration, and hence each of them has a unique form and content. The Fourth Symphony in B-flat major (1806) was overshadowed in popularity by the heroic Third Symphony and Fifth Symphony with its „Fate“ motif. Its more idyllic, tone feels like a diversion from the passions we usually associate with Beethoven, and despite – or perhaps because of – this, it is an ingenious and important creation of the composer.

The concert can be purchased as a part of a full subscription at the Ticket office of Filharmonie Brno on Besední Street and online from 27 May 2024.
The concert will be sold separately from 17 June 2024.



Besední dům

Komenského náměstí 534/8, Brno