wed11may19:00YOUNG BLOOOD or MUSIC FROM UP CLOSEMembers of Orchestra Academy of Filharmonie Brno19:00 Besední dům


(Wednesday) 19:00

Event Details

Orchestra Academy of Filharmonie Brno is a project that allows talented young musicians – students or fresh graduates of music schools, who are selected by audition – to gain orchestral experience in a professional ensemble. In this way, the Philharmonic develops the next generation of players who might in the future become its members.During its two-year course, the Academy offers its students not just the possibility of orchestral practice, but also an opportunity to present their abilities in chamber performance, in a concert series entitled Young Blood.


The program can be downloaded here.


Besední dům

Komenského náměstí 534/8, Brno

Besední důmKomenského náměstí 534/8, Brno